AHS and MAC Opening Day Wednesday, August 24.
Please note the schedule below:
11:00-11:30 Juniors A-M IDs, schedules, purchases
11:30-12:15 Juniors N-Z IDs, schedules, purchases
12:15-12:45 Seniors A-M IDs, schedules, purchases
12:45- 1:30 Seniors N-Z IDs, schedules, purchases
Bring Checks or Cash: At Opening Day, you can purchase essentials for the coming year and help support the school.
o Student ID is free!
o Yearbook: $85 (+ $5 for personalization) - it will cost more later in the year
o Daily Planner: $5 - very useful for keeping track of assignments, tests, appointments, etc.
o "Cougar" Subscription: $35 - The monthly student newspaper, The Cougar, will be mailed home to subscribers. It's a great way to keep in touch with what's happening at school.
Monday, August 29, First Day of School
8:10-3:30 Juniors and Seniors who missed Opening Day on August 24 must take their photo ID picture in the gym on Monday, August 29 before receiving their course schedule. Course schedules can be picked up in the Attendance Office only after the junior or senior has taken their photo ID.